Pestalozzi's time, his life and his work

Map of Switzerland with Pestalozzi's stages of life

1746- January 12th : Birth in Zurich
1751- His father's death
- Entry to school
1753- Rousseau: Discours sur l'origine de l'inégalité (German 1756: «Über den Ursprung der Ungleichheit unter den Menschen)»
1754-1765- Attendance of the Latinschool, the Collegium Humanitatis and the Collegium Carolinum
- Membership in the "Helvetische Gesellschaft zur Gerwe" (Helvetic society of Gerwe) and in the "Bewegung der Patrioten"
1761- Rousseau: La Nouvelle Héloïse
1762- Rousseau: Emile (German: "Emil oder über die Erziehung")
1766- First publication": "Agis" and "Wünsche"
1768-1770- Construction of "Neuhof" near Birr
1769- Marriage with Anna Schultheß
1770- Birth of his son Hans Jacob
1773-1774- Foundation of an "homeindustrial" business with poor children
1774- Pestalozzi becomes a member of the "Helvetische Gesellschaft zu Schinzach" where he meets Isaak Iselin (1728-1782)
- "Tagebuch über die Erziehung seines Sohnes"
1776- American declaration of independence
1777- "Herrn Pestalotz Briefe an Herrn N. E. T. über die Erziehung der armen Landjugend" (Tscharner letters)
1778- Rousseau's death (1712-1778)
1780- Breakdown of Neuhof- institute
- Breakdown of Neuhof- institute- "Die Abendstunde eines Einsiedlers" (Abendstunde): introduction
1781- "Lienhard und Gertrud" (1st part): introduction
1782- Publication of the weekly paper "Schweizer Blatt"
- Pestalozzi joins the swiss section of the "Illuminatenorden"
-"Christoph und Else"
1783- "Über Gesetzgebung und Kindermord": introduction
- "Lienhard und Gertrud" (2nd part)
1785- "Lienhard und Gertrud" (3rd part)
1787- "Lienhard und Gertrud" (4th part)
1789- Conquest of the "Bastille" Proclamation of human rights
1790-1792- Second version of "Lienhard und Gertrud"
1792- Journey to Leipzig
- Pestalozzi becomes freeman of the French republic
- First coalition war
1793- Execution of Ludwig XVI.
- "Ja oder Nein?"
- Meeting with Fichte and long philosophical and political discussions
1794- riots in Stäfa at Zurich’s lake
1795- Papers concerning the Stäfner popular front
1797- French troops invade Switzerland and promote the revolutional political movement
- "Nachforschungen über den Gang der Natur in der Entwicklung des Menschengeschlechts" (Nachforschungen): introduction
- "Figuren zu meinem ABC-Buch oder zu den Anfangsgründen meines Denkens" (Fabeln) introduction
1798- Proclamation of the Helvetic Republic
- Second coalition war
- The French troops fight down the last resistance in Nidwalden
- Editor of the "Helvetisches Volksblatt" (Luzern)
- "Zehntenschriften"
- "Foundation of an orphanage in Stans (december)
1799- "Stanser Brief"
1800- Teacher in Burgdorf and foundation of an approved school. First colleagues are joining him
1801- "Wie Gertrud ihre Kinder lehrt"
- Tod des Sohns Hans Jacob
1802- The helvetic republic crumbles after the French troops retreat
- Pestalozzi travels as a delegate to the "Konsulta" to Paris
- "Denkschrift an die Pariser Freunde über Wesen und Zweck der Methode" (Denkschrift)
1803- Mediationsakte
1804- Napoleon’s coronation as emperor
1804-1805- The institute moves to Münchenbuchsee, discrepancies with Fellenberg and the institute’s final move to Yverdon at the south end of Neuenburger See in the French part of Switzerland
1806- "Über Volksbildung und Industrie"
- "Ansichten, Erfahrungen und Mittel"
- "Ansichten und Erfahrungen"
1806-1809- Publication of "Wochenzeitschrift für Menschenbildung" and "Journal für die Erziehung"
1809- "Über die Idee der Elementarbildung" (Lenzburger speech)
1814- Congress of Vienna: The Swiss confederation gets his contemporary borders
1815- death of Anna Pestalozzi-Schultheß
- "An die Unschuld , den Ernst und den Edelmuth meines Zeitalters und meines Vaterlandes" (An die Unschuld)
1815-1816- Public arguments between the employees in Yverdon
1818- "Rede an mein Haus" (Birthday speech from 1818)
- Foundation of an institute against poverty in Clindy
1818-1819- "Letters on early education" (letters to Greaves) overview of available original texts
1819-1826- The Cotta-edition is published with Pestalozzi’s writings and the third version of "Lienhard und Gertrud" (1819/ 1820)
1825- The institute’s shut-down in Yverdon, Pestalozzi moves back to Neuhof
1826- "Pestalozzi's Schwanengesang" (Schwanengesang): introduction (German)
- "Meine Lebensschicksale als Vorsteher meiner Erziehungsinstitute in Burgdorf und Iferten" (Meine Lebensschicksale)
- " Langenthaler Rede"
1827- February 17th: Pestalozzi dies in Brugg (Kt. AG) and is buried next to the school in Birr. At this place, near his Neuhof, the Kanton Aargau builds a monument for him in 1846, which exists till today